
FSSC food safety system certification

When food scares hit the news, brands can be irreversibly damaged overnight and customers lost forever. As a food manufacturer you need to demonstrate integrity of your operations to suppliers, stakeholders and consumers alike. FSSC 22000 is an international standard specifically for food manufacturers. It combines the requirements of ISO 22000 and PAS 220 (prerequisite programs on food safety for food manufacturing).

The scheme will be relevant to you if you process or manufacture: perishable animal products, excluding slaughtering and pre-slaughtering, perishable vegetal products, products with long shelf life at ambient temperature and (bio)chemical products for food manufacturing. FSSC has been given full recognition by the Global Food Safety Initiative and is supported by the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the European Union (CIAA).

Certification to FSSC 22000

  • helps protect your brand reputation and maintains customer confidence in your business
  • improves your supply chain management and enhances your profile as a trusted supplier
  • provides greater transparency in your food manufacturing processes thereby reducing the business risks associated with food scares