ISOQAR Certification (PVT) LTD provides ISO certification to standards such as ISO 9001, 14001, ISO 13485, ISO 27001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001 and many more.
ISOQAR Certification (PVT) LTD providing you with the confidence that we are regularly and rigorously assessed against internationally recognized standards. And to demonstrate our competence and impartiality.
Therefore, We also carry other accreditation for specialist areas such as the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and the Security Industry Authority Approved Contractor Scheme (SIA ACS). What’s more, we have dozens of other non accredited and sector specific services and schemes, not to mention a proven track record in delivering second party auditing services.
Why choose ISOQAR Certification (PVT) LTD ?
Take a look at some compelling reasons to choose ISO Certification in Pakistan for your certification needs – all attributes that have helped us to achieve fantastic growth (double the market rate for two consecutive years!) as well as maintain long lasting customer relationships.
Today ISOQAR Certification (PVT) LTD has its own regional auditors throughout the world. UK and Pakistan and a network of operations in more then 60 countries. ISOQAR’s practice focuses on providing a Client with Quality, Environmental , Health & safety. Food Safety, Service Management. And Information Security Management Audit & Certification.
We have been assessed against the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021 demonstrating our technical competence, knowledge and impartiality.
Business integrity
We have a strong reputation and extensive experience of working with a wide range of industry sectors both within the UK and overseas markets.
Affordable and Bespoke Solutions
We deliver tailored but reasonably-priced solutions to help your organisation demonstrate best practice management systems.
Approachable and Friendly Auditors
We make the auditing process as simple and pain free as possible by building long term relationships with you
A Growing Portfolio of Standards
So, We constantly review the market and the needs of our customers to ensure we are offering the right products at the right prices.
Beyond the Certificate
Our training, software and other compliance services encourage you to continually improve the performance of your business.